The following restaurant inspections with critical violations were conducted by Richland Public Health on Nov. 22 and Nov. 23:
● Subway Shop, 114 Bowman St., Mansfield, Nov. 22. Equipment and/or utensils improper construction (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed Home Depot bucket being used for a ice bucket. Equipment shall be made of food grade materials. Do not use this bucket for ice. Ice machine not in use at this time. Quality Control

● Share 'N Dipity, LLC, 287 Taylor Road, Mansfield, Nov. 22. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed lemon curd cookies and cream cheese danishes being held at room temperature. Discussed the need for these items to be refrigerated due to TCS items used in product. PIC voluntarily discarded three danish and two curd cookies at time of inspection.
● Richland County Juvenile Court, 411 S. Diamond St., Mansfield, Nov. 22. Quaternary ammonium sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature, concentration, and/or water hardness (critical). Observed less than 100 ppm quat sanitizer located at three-compartment sink. Correct sanitizing amount by adjusting to 200 PPM.
● Taco Bell #30674, 1194 Park Avenue West, Mansfield, Nov. 22. Person in charge (PIC) unable to demonstrate knowledge of cleaning and sanitizing (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed PIC stating all solutions made to wash, rinse and sanitize in the three-compartment sink at incorrect temperatures. Education and poster provided at time of inspection. PIC unable to demonstrate knowledge by having no critical violations (critical). Person in charge did not ensure that employees observed foods as they were received (critical). Observed PIC has not been taking temperature upon receipt of product from shipment. Employees are not informed in a verifiable manner of their responsibility to report information about their health (critical). Observed paper of outdated signatures, however no employee illness agreements attached or in facility at time of inspection. Ensure all current employees have acknowledged employee illness agreement by re-inspection Nov. 30. Presence of live insects (critical). Observed small flying insects in the warewashing and back storage areas. Have removed by licensed pest controller by re-inspection Nov. 30. Insufficient air gap between the flood rim and the water supply inlet (critical). Observed air gap under the drive-thru soda dispenser to be insufficient. Hoses and pipes are running into the drain to create an air break and not an air gap. Ensure proper air gap is installed by reinspection Nov. 30. Insufficient air gap between the flood rim and the water supply inlet (critical). Observed air gap in the storage area next to water heater to be insufficient. Ensure proper air gap is installed by reinspection Nov. 30.
● OhioHealth Mansfield Hospital, 335 Glessner Ave., Mansfield, Nov. 22. PIC did not ensure employees are properly maintaining temperatures of TCS foods during hot and cold storage (critical, corrected during inspection). Several locations had items that were not being held at 41 degrees or below. PIC voluntarily discarded at time of inspection. Single-use gloves used improperly (critical, corrected). Employee observed wearing single use gloved hands to open drawer and then grab ready to eat salad. Quaternary ammonium sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature, concentration, and/or water hardness (critical, corrected). Sanitizer buckets at satellite kitchen had strength of 0 PPM. Quaternary ammonium sanitizing solution at incorrect temperature, concentration, and/or water hardness (critical, corrected). Sanitizer buckets on shelf by hand sink next to preparation line had a strength of 0 PPM. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected). House-made island sauce was out above 41 degrees for an undetermined amount of time. PIC voluntarily discarded one container. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected). Top of sauté table without cover had sliced tomatoes with an internal temperature of 45 degrees for an undetermined amount of time. PIC voluntarily discarded. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected). Individual cups set out on shelf above salad preparation table that had internal temperature of 54 degrees and, after an hour in walk-in cooler, 48 degrees. PIC voluntarily discarded eight servings of melon, five of cheesecake, three of macaroni salad and three of coleslaw. TCS foods not being cold held at the proper temperature (critical, corrected). Shredded cheese in catering cooler had internal temperature of 50 degrees for an undetermined amount of time. PIC voluntarily discarded 8 pounds of white shredded cheese and 8 pounds yellow shredded cheese. Refrigerated, ready-to-eat, TCS foods not properly date marked (critical, corrected). Pepper jack cheese in dairy walk-in was not date marked. PIC voluntarily discarded 2 pounds. Food contact surfaces not easily cleanable (critical, corrected). Salt mixture shaker above sauté table was cracked and broken, rendering the surface no longer easily cleanable. PIC replaced lid. Food contact surfaces not easily cleanable (critical, corrected). Bagel slicer in coffee area had cracked food contact surfaces, rendering the surface no longer easily cleanable. PIC removed from service.
● Lexington Central Elementary, 124 Frederick St., Lexington, Nov. 22. Improper storage of poisonous or toxic materials (critical, corrected during inspection). Spray cleaners observed stored above single use paper towels. Single use paper towels relocated.
● Lexington Western Elementary, 385 W. Main St., Lexington, Nov. 22. Food equipment surfaces not cleaned at required frequency (critical, corrected during inspection). Probe thermometer was not sanitized before putting into cooked carrots. Insufficient air gap between the flood rim and the water supply inlet (critical). Discharge from walk-in cooler condensate observed discharging into drain with no air gap. An air gap between water supply inlet and flood level rim of plumbing fixture, equipment or nonfood equipment shall be at least twice diameter of water supply inlet and may not be less than one inch. Correct by Dec. 8.
● Dayspring Richland County Home, 3220 Olivesburg Road, Mansfield, Nov. 22. Food package(s) received in poor condition (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed a severely dented can of cream of chicken on the canned goods shelf. PIC pulled product to be damaged out at the time of inspection. Equipment food-contact surfaces or utensils are unclean (critical, corrected). Observed hard water residue on the underside of the ice chute and water dispenser. Working containers of poisonous or toxic materials not properly labeled (critical, corrected). Observed a spray bottle of liquid Dawn on the dishwasher that was not labeled. Presence of rodent droppings in the back storage area under the shelf with the vending items (critical). Discussed cleaning area and monitoring for activity. Correct by Nov. 29. Food contact surfaces not easily cleanable (critical, corrected). Observed a cracked plastic fruit bowl in the serving area. PIC discarded fruit bowl at the time of inspection.
● Subway #119, Ontario, 1330 N. Lexington Springmill Road, Mansfield, Nov. 23. Food not properly protected from contamination by separation, packaging and segregation (critical, corrected during inspection). Observed egg patties in bag in walk-in freezer to be open and uncovered.

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